Korean Series: An Escape to Fantasy
Breakthrough of Korean Series: Korean Series, also known as Korean Dramas or K-dramas, are television series in the Korean language based in South Korea. K-dramas became popular worldwide in the early 2000s due to its Korean pop culture, also known as Hallyu/Korean Wave, and far-fetched plot twists. However, the Korean entertainment industry started booming when "Gangnam Style" by PSY hit YouTube like a tsunami. Also, Oscar-winning Korean movies like "Parasite" have spiked the growth of K-dramas all over the world. Korean dramas can go from being extremely emotional to incredibly heart-breaking to "OMG, what was that?" in a heartbeat. This is exactly what keeps the viewers coming back for more. Like any other television series, K-dramas also have many different genres such as rom-coms, historical dramas that promote Korean culture, office politics, family dramas, school life, and even horror comedies. Korean Series: A Mental Break during the Pandemic: Fa...